Resource Planning & Spatial Analysis
Focused on delivering comprehensive professional forestry services that leverage new and emerging technologies to deliver data-driven planning and analytical services.
LiDAR-based Operational Planning & Road Design
For many of our clients, Cabin has identified operational deficiencies in the forest development process that can be eliminated with the experienced application of LiDAR-derived models combined with extensive boots-on-the-ground knowledge. We use high-quality mapping and Geographic Information Systems, paired with our extensive field experience, to minimize risk and take the guesswork out of cutblock and road layout.
Operability Analysis
Inoperable terrain and challenging timber types can be a major hang-up for otherwise viable operational plans. We efficiently identify these constraints ahead of time using digital models of terrain and the forest canopy derived from LiDAR – whether it’s for rocky conventional layout, detailed partial harvest prescriptions or deflection analysis for a high-lead cable system. When sensitive hydrologic values such as Community Watersheds are present, we use Digital Elevation Models to model the effects of resource development on landscape hydrology.
Automated Land Base Classification
Cabin uses sophisticated classification techniques on remotely sensed data to identify and locate features of interest at large geographic scales. For instance, terrain ruggedness and canopy cover analyses on LiDAR-derived data sets can be used for forest operations planning, as well as be used as inputs to delineate wildlife ranges.
“Total Resource” Strategic and Tactical Planning
With numerous values and constraints at play, spatially explicit planning requires a rigorous framework that effectively addresses both the current legislative regime and future management scenarios. Using LiDAR, we can ensure that strategic and tactical decisions are operationally feasible.
Enhanced Forest Resource Inventory Development
Applied data science, remote sensing and spatial-statistical methods offer numerous untapped benefits in a data-rich domain such as natural resource management. Enhanced Forest Resource Inventories can help managers meet increasingly stringent and exacting standards and objectives. Inventory services include automated stand delineation, stock table creation and geodatabase design.
Visual Impact Assessments
With operational experience in visually sensitive landscapes, Cabin can develop solutions that meet or exceed visual quality objectives and provide high-quality visual simulations of changes to forest canopy cover across the landscape.
Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping
Cabin leverages experience in spatial analysis, geo-databases and forest ecology to support decision-making that leads to high-value outcomes in the conservation and stewardship of forest ecosystems.
Vernon Office
Unit 20A - 100 Kalamalka Lake Rd.
Vernon, BC, V1T 9G1
Nelson Office
Room #500A - 901 Front St.
Nelson, BC, V1L 4C1
Kelowna Office
#2-3304 Appaloosa Rd.
Kelowna, BC, V1V 2W5
Nakusp Office
119 Broadway St W
Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0