Equivalent Clearcut Area Analysis

Equivalent Clearcut Area Analysis


Arrow and Boundary TSA’s


2016 – Present



Cabin completed up-to-date ECA’s for domestic watersheds utilizing LiDAR-derived digital elevation models integrated with hydrological and hypsometric analysis in ArcGIS using python-based models. We developed a custom ArcGIS model to automate parts of the process for future ECA calculations and utilized LiDAR canopy height models to estimate hydrological recovery of existing disturbances. The impact of proposed harvesting and road-building activities were analyzed, including for partial cut silviculture systems.

Equivalent clearcut analysis (ECA) is an assessment method used to evaluate the ecological impacts of timber harvesting practices, particularly clearcutting, on forest ecosystems. It aims to provide a quantitative measure of the ecological sustainability of clearcutting by comparing its effects to those of natural disturbance events. The findings from ECA provide valuable information for adaptive forest management. It helps guide decision-makers in adjusting timber harvesting practices, landscape-level planning, and conservation strategies to maintain or restore ecological integrity in harvested areas.

Equivalent clearcut analysis aims to promote sustainable forestry practices that balance economic objectives with ecological considerations. ECA provides a scientific framework for assessing and managing the ecological impacts of clearcutting, contributing to the conservation and long-term health of forest ecosystems.

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