forestry icon circleFORESTRY



Our highly skilled team of forest professionals is focused on delivering comprehensive forestry services that leverage new and emerging technologies to deliver data-driven planning and analytical services.

With over 200 years of combined forestry experience throughout B.C. and Alberta, we know what it takes to maximize the current and future value of your investment. Our uniqueness is not isolated to our extensive experience.

Over the past several years, we have expanded our forestry business from one that is focused on layout and development to one that excels in a broad range of forest management services including high-level and operational planning, silviculture, and GIS analysis. We always strive to go above and beyond and exceed expectations; for example, we consistently take existing data and identify underutilized or previously inaccessible areas.

Despite our growth, we have never lost sight of our operational roots, and we remain focused on developing on the ground, practical and cost-effective solutions for our clients. Our professional foresters have managed development projects from 10,000 – 500,000m3 annually for various industry, government and First Nation partners.

In 2023, Cabin was awarded the management contract for the Nakusp and Area Community Forest (NACFOR). NACFOR is a BC corporation 100% owned by the Village of Nakusp, and governed by a volunteer board of directors. It’s a 25-year (replaceable) Community Forest Agreement with the BC government and operations are carried out on a contract basis, primarily with local contractors. NACFOR operates uniquely for the purpose of directing profits and other benefits to all communities within the Arrow Lakes region and provides support to the Arrow Lakes Caribou Society.

Professional Forestry Services

Cabin’s roots lie in operational forestry, and we continue to provide the full scope of forestry services by highly skilled professionals. To maximize the economic potential of your land base and adhere to responsible land management principles and regulatory requirements, Cabin can provide:

  • Timber Cruising and Evaluation, Compilations and Appraisals
  • Inventory Data Collection
  • Full Phase Forest Road and Cutblock Engineering, Layout and Design
  • Road Construction and Harvesting Supervision and Project Management
  • Silviculture Prescriptions, Supervision, and Project Management
  • Forest Stewardship Plans and Woodlot License Plans
  • Visual Resource Management
  • Site Plan Data Collection, Site Plans, and Harvest Plans
  • Stream Assessments
  • Forest Health and Fish and Wildlife Surveys
  • Waste and Residue Surveys


LiDAR Based Planning

Innovative LIDAR technology has been introduced to the forest industry and provides reliable, efficient, and quantitative results. In collaboration with our Resource Analysis and Planning division, we utilize LIDAR technology to inform decision-making for timber harvesting, strategic and operational planning,
and responsible land management. Services available with LIDAR technology include:

  • Terrain and Canopy Cover Analysis
  • Tactical Development Planning
  • Land base Classification and Constraints Reporting
  • Stand Identification with Predicted Stand and Stock Tables
  • Commercial Thinning and Silviculture System Feasibility Analysis
  • Biodiversity and Old Growth Management Studies
  • Sensitive Site Identification
  • Accurate and cost-effective Cutblock and Road Planning


Forest Tenure Management

Cabin provides full tenure management services for Community Forests, Woodlots, Forest Licenses, and First Nations Tenures to ensure the long-term social, economic, and environmental success of small forest tenures and our communities. In addition to providing professional forestry services and comprehensive resource management for multiple values through our different divisions, Cabin’s tenure management services include:

  • License Administration
  • Business Management
  • Sustainable Forestry Operations
  • Strategic and Operational Planning
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Public and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Government Liaison
  • Contract Management
  • Fibre supply, Log Marketing and Sales
  • Financial Oversight and Reporting



Gulf Islands

Contiguous Forest Mapping

Gulf Islands, BC

108 Mile

TA1319 Primary Fuel Break

100-108 Mile House/Moose Valley – BC

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Resource Planning

Throughout BC

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Vernon Office

Unit 20A - 100 Kalamalka Lake Rd.
Vernon, BC, V1T 9G1

Nelson Office

Room #500A - 901 Front St.
Nelson, BC, V1L 4C1

Kelowna Office

#2-3304 Appaloosa Rd.
Kelowna, BC, V1V 2W5

Nakusp Office

119 Broadway St W
Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0

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