West Kelowna Dam Maintenance
City of West Kelowna, Kelowna BC
The City of West Kelowna needed dam maintenance completed on 8 dam sites in the Lambly and Powers watersheds to maintain efficient operation of the city’s water supply. The contract included placing rip rap at 4 sites, installing log booms at 4 sites and complete vegetation control at 8 sites. The purpose of the project was to protect spillways from accumulating debris, protect the dam wall from wind and wave erosion and clear debris to ensure the dam’s structural integrity. This project required working within several fish windows and utilized best management practices for dam maintenance.
The remote access of sites combined with short construction windows and impending wildfires challenged our crews logistical coordination but the project was completed on time and on budget.
Vernon Office
Unit 20A - 100 Kalamalka Lake Rd.
Vernon, BC, V1T 9G1
Nelson Office
Room #500A - 901 Front St.
Nelson, BC, V1L 4C1
Kelowna Office
#2-3304 Appaloosa Rd.
Kelowna, BC, V1V 2W5
Nakusp Office
119 Broadway St W
Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0