Cabin has worked closely with the District of Summerland and the Summerland Fire Department on various fuel management projects within the community.
These projects include fuel management prescriptions on multiple sites in the Wildland Urban Interface, throughout Summerland. Values at risk managed in these prescriptions include homes, recreational values of park areas, and range use values. The total area under prescription in 2022 was 110 ha and includes 10 treatment areas. Treatments will include planning for a prescribed burn. Cabin has also established permanent plot locations to monitor the effectiveness of the fuel mitigation treatments.
Cabin also has an expert team who tackle fuel modification projects. They have completed 100 ha of fuel treatments in Summerland.
Obtaining funding to undertake fuel mitigation work can be challenging, and the substantial cost of the work can be a significant barrier. Cabin assisted the Fire Department with obtaining funding and has had success acquiring funding through FESBC to plan and implement 9 ha of fuel treatment area.
Sensitive soil types, with rapidly draining soils and invasive weeds present a challenge for several of the fuel treatment areas. Cabin developed specific management considerations that included site specific seeding rates and seed blends for areas of disturbance.
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Vernon, BC, V1T 9G1
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Nelson, BC, V1L 4C1
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Kelowna, BC, V1V 2W5
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Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0