McKinley Fuel Management Prescription & Implementation
City of Kelowna – McKinley Mountain Park, BC
Cabin developed a 17 ha fuel management prescription for McKinley Mountain Park and completed the implementation of 9.2 ha; another contractor completed the remaining 7.8 ha. The goals of this project were:
- reduce the wildfire risk for adjacent landowners
- address and enhance wildfire values
- create a defensible and safe control line for suppression
- prepare for a potential prescribed burn in treatment unit C.
We utilized our in-house biologist to provide treatment guidance for critical habitat areas and species at risk. We were the sole contractor for the planning and implementation phases and acted as the supervisor on behalf of the City of Kelowna.
The following was incorporated into the treatment:
- Coarse woody debris habitat piles
- Manual thinning
- Pruning & debris management
- Wildlife tree retention
- Wildlife retention patches
- Unpruned thickets in the understory were incorporated for wildlife
Challenges faced during the planning of this project involved creating contingency due to municipal by-law prohibiting burning. Large quantities of CWD needed to be managed without the ability to burn or be removed from site.
Cabin mitigated this challenge through the creation of habitat piles in openings, where surplus CWD was able to be utilized for wildlife habitat while not creating an increase in wildfire threat. Operationally, challenges involved steep slopes and irregular treatment area shapes. The City of Kelowna ended up approving pile burning for these treatment units, which allowed crews to sufficiently manage for fine fuels.
Vernon Office
Unit 20A - 100 Kalamalka Lake Rd.
Vernon, BC, V1T 9G1
Nelson Office
Room #500A - 901 Front St.
Nelson, BC, V1L 4C1
Kelowna Office
#2-3304 Appaloosa Rd.
Kelowna, BC, V1V 2W5
Nakusp Office
119 Broadway St W
Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0