Eneas Creek Rehabilitation and Trail Restoration
District of Summerland

The District of Summerland has been working with Associated Engineering/Environmental (AE) since 2018 to address flood concerns and increase flood resiliency along sections of Eneas Creek. The project had many inherent challenges, involving steep and unstable slopes, limited machine access, and close proximity to neighbouring properties/public roads. Between September 2022 and April 2023, three of the six project sites were tackled by Cabin, involving the following activities:
- Site isolation and fish salvage (collaboration with AE)
- Crane removal of large log jams and hand removal of instream debris obstructing downstream flow
- Installation of riprap to protect high-erosion areas
- Riparian bioengineering techniques to enhance bank stability
- Recontouring of banks and instream enhancement
- Slope stabilization measures to prevent sedimentation into Eneas Creek and damage to public trail
- Reconstruction of eroded pathway
- Brushing along the public pathway to promote safer access
Cabin had the experience and skills required to develop a sound construction strategy addressing multiple environmental risks and hazards. The team was knowledgeable about restoring hydrologic functions in Eneas Creek and protecting fish habitat. Cabin collaborated with AE to troubleshoot and adjust the scope of works so that target deliverables and timeframes could be met. Works were completed on time and under budget, and the trail was re-opened to the public by the desired date.
Vernon Office
Unit 20A - 100 Kalamalka Lake Rd.
Vernon, BC, V1T 9G1
Nelson Office
Room #500A - 901 Front St.
Nelson, BC, V1L 4C1
Kelowna Office
#2-3304 Appaloosa Rd.
Kelowna, BC, V1V 2W5
Nakusp Office
119 Broadway St W
Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0